Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Dear all , 

The Hindu In School is bringing out a Two-page E-paper from 8th April 2020. It will be published from Monday to Friday and will cover a range of topics including current affairs, science, technology, environment, history, literature and sport. Through GK snippets and activities such as quizzes, puzzles, word searches, crosswords,  DIY experiments and journal writing, the e-paper is a comprehensive online resource to keep children engaged during the break from the academic routine.  Please forward this to all your contacts - Schools, Teachers, Students & Readers.

You can access the E-Paper by following the below steps:
1. Logon (or) Click  https://eschool.thehindu.com/
2. Select “Register Now for a 30 Day Free Trial”
3. Provide your name, email id, password, location, mobile number and submit

Competitions for Students

Online Quiz